7 Types of Thinking to Give Up Immediately

Have you ever met someone for the very first time and seconds later you cannot recall their name? Or maybe you have had the all too common experience of arriving in your garage with little recollection of the journey home. All these everyday common occurences indicate that the average person is spending a large portion of their lives lost in thought.

It’s often been referred to as the monkey mind and many people can probably relate to the analogy of a playful child. The truth of the matter is that your brain loves to play. It is “on” every moment of the day. And if there is nothing entertaining in the outside environment it often resorts to playing indoors. Continue reading


Coca-Cola’s Honest Logo Shows Which Organs Are Harmed When You Drink It

We all like to drink a refreshing coke sometimes, but this designer from Nicaragua, Fabio Pantoja, is a total addict to Coca Cola. Drinking too much of it, however, can damage your health, so Pantoja did this detailed re-design of Coca Cola’s logo with a dark twist: the letters depict the different organs and parts of your body that suffer damage after having too much soda.

“More than a critic to Continue reading